Life After Lasik

When the “right patient” (we help you decide) meets the “right surgeon” (we team up with Dr. Andrew Holzman at TLC), Laser Vision Correction is liberating and wonderful.

But one of the things Lasik does not liberate you from is visiting your eye doctor.

5 Reasons Why People who have had Laser Vision Correction should schedule an Annual Eye Exam:

1. Retina Risk Your correction may no longer measure -5.00, or -3.25, or -7.50 — but your retina doesn’t know that! People who are moderately or severely myopic (near-sighted) have a higher susceptibility for retinal holes, tears and detachments. Whether they have had Laser Vision Correction or not, they should have a Dilated Eye Exam every one or two years (more frequently if there are risk factors)

2. Your Eyes Change. Just because you’ve had Laser Refractive Surgery does not mean that your eyes don’t change. You may benefit from a prescription for night driving. Or from a prescription that will make you more comfortable and efficient for using computers and digital devices. To be your best, see your best.

3. Your Body Changes. Many systemic conditions, and the medications used to treat them, can affect your eyes — whether you need glasses or not. People who are Diabetic, have Thyroid Disease, have a history of Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Auto-immune Disease, Hypertension and other medical problems should have a complete eye examination including a dilated view of the retina.

4. Glaucoma has been called the “silent thief of vision” because there are almost no symptoms prior to permanent loss of vision. For that reason, Glaucoma is typically diagnosed during an annual eye exam. Whether you have never needed glasses, or whether you do not need glasses because of laser correction, you are just as much at risk for Glaucoma as people who wear glasses.

5. Many people have dry eyes and /or allergies. When these conditions are not properly treated, both vision and comfort are affected. At GH Eye we treat dry eyes and allergies in pre-laser surgery patients and post-laser surgery patients.

As a service to our new patients, we can request pre-Lasik information from your previous eye doctor or laser surgeon. This is important information to keep on file in the event you require eye procedures (such as cataract surgery or a Lasik enhancement) later in life. If you have questions, give us a call!